Why Cleaning Your Makeup Brushes Is Important
How long have you been using your current makeup brushes and implements? Have you ever cleaned them? Many will answer no. You should clean or replace your makeup brushes at least every three months to prevent infection or skin conditions. Here’s why you should go clean your brushes right now.
Even and flawless coverage
The fact of the matter is that clean makeup brushes work better. You are more likely to have a positive makeup experience if you keep your brushes clean so that they can apply the makeup evenly. This is especially important for foundation or eyeshadows.
Bacteria buildup
Bacteria are everywhere, and not all of them are bad. Did you know that your skin harbors a large number of healthy bacteria and organisms all the time? It can give you an odd feeling when you hear that for the first time.
The bacteria from your face will transfer to the brushes, where these bacteria can grow and change. The next time you use those makeup brushes, you’re putting that bacteria back onto your face. Your brush also harbors dead skin cells and other debris. This can cause acne or clogged pores.
Keeping bristles soft
If your skin is sensitive or damaged, the bristles of your makeup brushes can feel like sandpaper being grazed across your face. To keep your makeup application clean and comfortable, wash your brushes thoroughly and often.
Repairing skin damage from makeup brushes
If you haven’t made a habit of cleaning your brushes before, you could already have some skin damage, clogged pores, or increased acne from using those brushes. We can help you repair your skin and start fresh with a chemical peel formulated specifically for your skin. Contact us today to schedule.