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Everything Big You Need to Know Before Your Chemical Peel

Getting a new skin treatment or trying a new skincare product can be scary. When you aren’t sure what to expect, it can be a bit daunting. You may also be afraid of what your chemical peel will do to your skin if it is sensitive. Often, when novices think of chemical peels, they think of their skin melting off of their face. Chemical peels are not actually quite so dramatic. Here is what you need to know before you get your chemical peel.

Your Chemical Peel

What Does the Peel Do?

A chemical peel does not melt the skin off of your face, but it does remove the superficial layers of skin. The peeling that occurs after the chemicals are applied takes place over the course of the following several days, up to one week. At the end of the peeling process, you will be left with fresh, new, youthful skin.

What About After Your Chemical Peel?

There are a few things to keep in mind after your chemical peel treatment. While you are going through the peeling process, it is important to keep your skin very clean using a very gentle cleanser. Keeping your skin clean will help prevent infection. 

You will also need to wear sunblock religiously for at least a few weeks after your chemical peel. Because the superficial layers of the skin are being removed, your body is more susceptible to sunburn and sun damage. After the peeling is complete, your new, fresh skin is also more likely to become sunburnt. Those patients who do not use sunblock religiously after a peel are usually unhappy with their results.

Your aesthetician will go over aftercare instructions with you when you have your consultation. During your consultation, it is important to ask all of your questions and make sure that you fully understand the process and aftercare instructions. If you are ready to try a chemical peel to give yourself fresh, new skin, contact us today to schedule your consultation and get more information.

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Amaris' Aesthetics
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6600 10th Ave. N. | St. Petersburg

Tel: (727) 647-7659